About Santa's Crew
Santa's Crew LLC was established in 2016 in Luxemburg, WI. Santa's Crew is a live reindeer display that can travel to your private or public event. We strive to provide a joyous experience during the holiday season for families by making it as magical as possible. Animal welfare is our utmost priority. Reindeer have been domesticated animals for 1,000's of years and are properly trained for events (and also for pulling Santa's sleigh on Christmas Eve!)
Meet the Crew

Cupid LOVES going out and seeing all the boys and girls during to holiday season. If you are wanting a picture with a live reindeer, she is your go-to. She sure is photogenic! A quality she takes pride in is being a great mother to her baby calves.
Favorite Treat: Dry Oatmeal

Prancer is the youngest of the crew! She enjoys playing reindeer games and digging in the snow.
Fun Fact: She was born in the month of May.

Vixen has a bold personality and likes to be the center of attention. She may not stand for photos as well as Cupid and would rather be wandering the pen or laying down relaxing. She likes to put on a show by seeing what she can get away with.
Favorite Activity: Playing in Water

Dancer is spunky and playful. She enjoys running the pasture every afternoon and grazing. She looks forward to the holiday season to see all the children and spread the magic of Christmas!
Favorite Activity: Running the pasture especially during snowfall
New Additions: Baby Calves
Reindeer calves are so precious and only weigh approximately 10 pounds when born. They may be small but at a day old they are running around with an abundance of energy! Soon after being born, they start nibbling on feed and hay. They follow their mother around constantly learning from them and drinking their milk. Their mothers will drop their antlers soon after calving. Calves love their reindeer games and spend a lot of time training to become apart of Santa's sleigh pulling team for Christmas!


Calves are Spunky!